Military Packing Tips That Will Make Your Relocation Smooth

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Efficiency is the name of the game when you’re packing for a military move. If you’re in the military, you need to know how to pack quickly as you may be asked to move base or ship out at any time. Even if you’re not in the military, understanding how to pack military style helps you to pack faster and with fewer cases. Simply put, the military has some packing secrets that can be of use to everyone.…

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Will the Military Pay to Move My Spouse (And Other Important Questions About Military Moving)

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Being an active military member comes with many challenges, one of which is frequent relocation. Military members get the order to start fresh in another place every few years. If they are married or have children, their families move with them. But if this is your first military move, you might wonder, "What is the process of moving my wife to my duty station?" Another essential question military members might be asking is, "Will the military pay to…

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How to Find the Best Full-Service Moving Company for Military Members

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Military families have many challenges, and one of them is a permanent change of station or PCS. Picking up everything and moving to a new home is stressful and requires detailed planning and organizing. A big part of this process is finding a full-service moving company to relocate your household. This process is more complicated than it seems because you need to navigate your budget and find a moving company that checks all the boxes in terms of…

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The Ultimate PCSing Checklist to Make Your Move a Breeze

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A permanent change of station (PCS) is always an adventure. Regardless of whether this is your first or 15th move, relocation is always accompanied by stress. A PCS move requires a lot of organization, coordination, and planning, especially if you’re moving with children and pets. In this military PCS guide, we’ll introduce you to a detailed PCS move checklist that should make your move as smooth as possible. The Binder Before we move along to the PCSing checklist,…

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10 Tips for Military Moving You Should Know

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Military families often move every two to three years, sometimes even more frequently. While relocation can be a great opportunity for career advancement and broadening experience, it’s almost always stressful. Packing your life in boxes and bags and moving to a new location can be hard, especially if you have children and pets. This military moving guide will introduce you to 10 tips for military moving. We’ll explain in detail how to prepare for a military move and…

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