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DITY Vs PPM – What Are The Key Differences?

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Are you planning a military move and trying to decipher the differences between a DITY (Do-It-Yourself) move and a PPM (Personally Procured Move)? Understanding these two options is crucial for service members and their families when relocating.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the nitty-gritty of DITY vs PPM, outlining the key distinctions, benefits, and considerations. Our aim is to equip you with the essential knowledge to make an informed decision that best suits your moving needs and circumstances. Discover the factors that differentiate these two moving methods and how each can impact your relocation experience.

Key Takeaways

  • DITY (Do-It-Yourself) and PPM (Personally Procured Move) are two primary options for military relocations.
  • Each option has its unique benefits and challenges, affecting costs, control, and convenience.
  • Understanding the specifics of each can significantly influence the efficiency and ease of your move.

Exploring DITY Moves (Do-It-Yourself)

dity vs ppm what's the difference

DITY moves, or Do-It-Yourself moves, offer military personnel the opportunity to take charge of their relocation process. This option allows for greater control over the moving timeline and handling of belongings. Often chosen for its potential financial benefits, a DITY move can be a rewarding but demanding experience.

In a DITY move, military members are responsible for all aspects, including obtaining packing materials, hiring a moving truck, and managing transportation logistics. While it requires more effort and planning, this type of move can be more cost-effective. Service members are reimbursed a portion of what the government would have paid for a professional move, often leading to savings if managed efficiently.

What is a DITY Move?

A DITY move allows military personnel to manage and execute their relocation process independently. This option, where military families handle their own moving arrangements, is distinct from a government-arranged move.

  • Control: You have full control over the moving process, including choosing your moving dates and how to pack your items.
  • Cost-Saving Potential: The government reimburses a portion of the estimated cost it would have otherwise spent on a professional move.
  • Flexibility: You can plan the move according to your schedule and preferences.
  • Reimbursement Process: Understand how to document expenses to ensure maximum reimbursement.

Pros and Cons of Choosing DITY

Opting for a DITY move comes with its set of advantages and drawbacks.


  • Financial Incentive: Potential to save money and even profit from the move.
  • Complete Control: Full authority over how and when your belongings are moved.
  • Self-Reliance: Completing your own move with a rented moving truck can foster a sense of independence and self-reliance.


  • Increased Responsibility: Managing every aspect of the move can be stressful.
  • Risk of Damage: Without professional movers, the risk of damage to belongings increases.

Eligibility and Reimbursement for DITY

Determining your eligibility and understanding the reimbursement process is critical for a successful DITY move.


  • Must be a military service member with authorized orders for relocation.
  • Service members must consult their transportation office to understand the criteria for a self-move and determine eligibility.


  • Based on the weight of goods moved and distance traveled.
  • Requires careful documentation of expenses and weight tickets.

Understanding PPM Moves (Personally Procured Moves)

dity vs ppm what's the difference

PPM moves, or Personally Procured Moves, offer a middle ground between a full-service move and a DIY move. This option allows service members to hire professional movers or moving services of their choice while still maintaining a degree of control over the moving process.

The military reimburses a portion of the costs, making it a financially viable option for many. PPM moves can range from full-service professional assistance to using a rental truck for a partial PPM, giving military families flexibility in how they relocate.

The flexibility and financial benefits of PPM moves make them an attractive choice for those who prefer professional assistance without the full extent of government-contracted moving services. This option requires careful planning and budgeting to maximize the benefits and minimize potential challenges.

What is a PPM Move?

A Personally Procured Move (PPM) allows military personnel to organize their move using professional services, with the government reimbursing a part of the cost.

  • Choice of Movers: Select your own moving company or rental services.
  • Reimbursement: Receive compensation based on the government’s calculated cost of a full-service move.
  • Flexibility: Greater flexibility in choosing moving dates and services.
  • Own Move Logistics: With a PPM, you can decide whether to rent a truck, use professional movers, or make your own arrangements for transporting household goods.

Advantages and Challenges of PPM

PPM offers a blend of professional assistance and personal control.


  • Professional Help: Access to professional moving services.
  • Reimbursement: Financial compensation helps offset costs.


  • Budget Management: Navigating expenses within the reimbursement limit.
  • Coordination: Requires coordination between various service providers.

How to Plan and Execute a Successful PPM?

Planning a PPM requires a strategic approach to ensure a smooth and cost-effective move.

  1. Selecting a Moving Company: Research and choose a reputable moving company that fits your needs and budget. Ensure they are experienced in handling military moves.
  2. Budgeting and Reimbursement: Understand the limits of government reimbursement and plan your budget accordingly. Keep track of all expenses and receipts for reimbursement claims.
  3. Coordination and Timing: Coordinate the moving dates with your chosen company and align them with your schedule. Ensure you have a clear timeline for packing, moving, and unpacking.
  4. Understanding Regulations: Familiarize yourself with military regulations regarding PPM moves, including weight limits and types of expenses covered.
  5. Documentation and Claims: Maintain thorough documentation of all moving-related expenses and submit your claim for reimbursement promptly, following the specific guidelines provided by the military.

DITY vs PPM – A Comparative Analysis

dity vs ppm what's the difference

Choosing between a DITY (Do-It-Yourself) move and a PPM (Personally Procured Move) can significantly affect the experience and outcome of your military relocation. Each option offers distinct advantages and challenges, influencing everything from costs to control over the moving process.

Understanding these differences is key to making an informed decision that aligns with your personal circumstances and preferences.

  • Costs: DITY moves often appear more cost-effective upfront but require more personal effort. PPM moves, while potentially more expensive, offer professional assistance.
  • Control: DITY moves to give you complete control over every aspect of your move, whereas PPM moves to provide a balance of control and professional assistance.
  • Stress and Time Management: DITY moves can be more stressful and time-consuming, while PPM moves can alleviate some of this stress by outsourcing the work.

Cost Considerations and Reimbursement Differences

The financial aspects of DITY and PPM moves are a critical factor for most service members. In a DITY move, you are reimbursed based on the weight of the items moved and the distance of the relocation.

This reimbursement often does not cover the full cost of the move, but efficient management can lead to savings. In contrast, PPM moves offer reimbursement for a percentage of what the government would have paid for a full-service move, potentially covering a larger portion of your expenses.

When considering costs, it’s important to note that while DITY moves might offer more potential for savings, they also come with the risk of unexpected expenses. PPM moves to provide more predictable costs, as the reimbursement is based on a pre-determined government rate.

Flexibility and Control in Moving Process

Flexibility and control are important aspects to consider when choosing between DITY and PPM moves.

  • DITY Moves: Total control over packing, loading, and transportation decisions.
  • PPM Moves: Choose your movers and schedule, but rely on their expertise for execution.

Impact on Stress and Time Management

DITY moves can be highly stressful and time-consuming, as they require you to handle all aspects of the move, from packing to transportation. This can be particularly challenging if you are managing other responsibilities or if the move is complex.

On the other hand, PPM moves, while still involving some level of personal involvement, significantly reduce stress and time commitment by leveraging professional moving services.

Both options require effective time management, but PPM moves generally offer more convenience and ease, especially for those who may not have the time or resources to manage a full DITY move.

Making the Right Choice: Factors to Consider

dity vs ppm what's the difference

Deciding between a DITY and PPM move involves several key considerations to ensure the best fit for your specific needs and situation.

  • Personal Capacity for Managing the Move: Assess your ability to handle the various aspects of moving.
  • Support System: Consider the availability of friends or family to assist with the move.
  • Timeline and Flexibility: Evaluate how the move fits into your personal and professional timeline.

Assessing Your Specific Moving Needs

Your unique moving needs play a crucial role in deciding between DITY and PPM.

  • Volume of Belongings: The amount and type of items you need to move.
  • Special Items: Consideration for special or fragile items that may require professional handling.

Evaluating the Distance and Complexity of the Move

The distance and complexity of your move can greatly influence whether a DITY or PPM move is more suitable. Longer distances often benefit from the professional services offered in PPM moves due to logistical complexities and the potential for higher stress and physical demands in DITY moves.

Additionally, the complexity of your move, such as navigating through busy cities or dealing with bulky items, can make professional assistance more appealing.

Understanding the Impact on Your Finances

Your financial situation is a critical factor in the decision-making process. DITY moves can be less expensive if managed efficiently, but unexpected costs can arise. PPM moves, while potentially more costly upfront, offer clearer financial expectations due to the structured reimbursement process.

Evaluating your budget, potential costs and the likelihood of reimbursement under each option is essential for a financially sound decision.

Tips for a Successful Military Move

A successful military move requires careful planning and organization, regardless of whether you choose a DITY or PPM move.

  • Early Planning: Start planning your move as soon as possible to avoid last-minute stress.
  • Budget Management: Keep a close eye on expenses and plan your budget accordingly.

Planning and Organization Strategies

Effective planning and organization are key to a smooth move.

  • Checklists and Schedules: Create detailed checklists and schedules to keep track of tasks.
  • Inventory Management: Maintain an inventory of items to ensure nothing gets lost or left behind.

Essential Documentation for DITY and PPM

Proper documentation is crucial for both DITY and PPM moves.

  • Expense Receipts: Keep all receipts for moving expenses for reimbursement claims.
  • Official Orders and Forms: Ensure all necessary military forms and orders are in order.

Seeking Support and Resources

Seeking support and accessing resources can greatly enhance the moving experience. Utilize military support services, which offer guidance and assistance for both DITY and PPM moves. These services can provide valuable information, resources, and support to help plan and execute your move effectively.

Additionally, reaching out to peers who have undergone similar moves can offer practical advice and insights, making the process smoother and more manageable.

How Military Movers Can Assist in Your PPM

dity vs ppm what's the difference

Military Movers offers a comprehensive solution for your Personally Procured Move (PPM), blending professional expertise with an understanding of military relocation needs. Their services are designed to simplify your move, ensuring it is as smooth and stress-free as possible.

  • Customized Moving Plans: Tailored moving strategies that suit your specific needs and timeline.
  • Packing and Unpacking Services: Expert packing and unpacking services ensure your belongings are safe and secure.
  • Transportation Assistance: Reliable and efficient transportation of your goods to the new location.
  • Storage Solutions: Offers both short-term and long-term storage options, accommodating various needs.
  • Real-Time Tracking: Advanced tracking technology for real-time updates on your shipment, adding an extra layer of security and peace of mind.


Navigating the differences between DITY and PPM moves can be a complex process, but understanding these options is crucial for a successful military relocation. Whether you opt for the control and potential savings of a DITY move or the convenience and support of a PPM, careful planning and consideration of your specific needs and circumstances are key.

If you’re leaning towards a PPM and need professional, reliable moving assistance, Military Movers is here to help. We provide tailored services to ensure your move is efficient, secure, and stress-free. Contact us today for a free quote and let us make your transition as seamless as possible.


What is the main difference between a DITY and a PPM move?

A DITY move involves managing the move yourself, while a PPM move allows you to hire professional movers and get partially reimbursed by the military.

Can Military Movers assist with both DITY and PPM moves?

Yes, Military Movers offers services that cater to both DITY and PPM moves, providing customized assistance as per your requirements.

How do I know if I am eligible for a DITY move reimbursement?

Eligibility for DITY move reimbursement typically depends on your military orders and adherence to specific criteria set by the military. It’s best to consult your move coordinator for detailed eligibility requirements.

What kind of tracking technology do Military Movers use for shipments?

Military Movers uses advanced satellite tracking technology, allowing you to track your shipment in real time and ensuring a secure moving process.

Are there any storage options available with Military Movers for PPM?

Yes, Military Movers provides both temporary and long-term storage solutions, including climate-controlled options for sensitive items.

Mia Miller

Mia Miller, a true wordsmith, documents the journey of Military Movers through her engaging blog posts. She ensures that our stories, mirroring our commitment and dedication to facilitating military moves, reach a broad audience.