Military Movers in Baltimore Offer Low Rates

If you are in the military and received orders to relocate in the near future, contact a moving professional in Baltimore. Military moving companies in Baltimore offer discounts to all branches of the military, including veterans. Before hiring just anyone to help you move, make sure to collect three quotes from three different moving companies.

Services Military Movers Provide

  • Full Service Packing
  • Fragile Only Packing
  • Self Pack
  • Packing Materials
  • Loading and Unloading
  • Storage
  • Installation and Assembly

How to Prepare for a Move

Before contacting a moving company, make sure you give yourself at least two months to prepare. In this two month period, you should sort and purge your items. Consider holding a garage sale to get rid of unwanted items to make moving and packing for the move, less expensive. Take measurements of the doorways in your new home to make sure furniture will fit through.

You will also need to order supplies for your move. Make sure to get all the essential items which include packing paper, boxes, bubble wrap, permanent marker, labels, colored tabs, dish barrels, and wardrobe boxes. One month before you plan to move, set up arrangements with a moving company.

Stretching before Lifting

To avoid getting injured, make sure you stretch. Every year, thousands of individuals get injured because they try to carry to many boxes at once or boxes that are too heavy. Get help from a friend or family member to help you life items to large or awkward to carry on your own.

Keep tripping hazards off of walk ways and aisles. Besides getting hurt by lifting something too heavy, falls are another reason so many people get hurt when moving. It is important to keep small children out of the work zone as well.

Military Moving Companies for Other Locations