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A Guide About Military Move Safety Measures: Ensuring A Secure Relocation

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When it comes to relocating, military families face unique challenges that go beyond the usual stresses of moving. At Military Movers, we understand that safety is a paramount concern for service members and their loved ones.

That’s why we’ve put together this comprehensive guide on military move safety measures to ensure a secure and stress-free relocation. Whether you’re in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or Coast Guard, our aim is to provide you with actionable tips and insights that are tailored to the specific needs of military relocations.

From packing your belongings securely to choosing the right moving company, we cover all the bases to help you make informed decisions. So, read on to find out how you can turn the daunting task of a military move into a smooth and secure transition.

Pre-move Safety Measures

military move safety measures, military members

Ensuring safety during a move starts with the preparation. This section provides tips on how to prepare for a move and ensure the safety of your belongings and your family.

1. Researching Reliable Moving Companies

Choosing the right transportation service provider is crucial for ensuring a safe and smooth move, especially when dealing with the Defense Personal Property System. This section provides tips on how to research and choose a reliable moving company.

Choosing a reliable moving company is crucial for ensuring a safe and smooth move. It is important to research different moving companies and read reviews from previous customers. Additionally, it is important to get quotes from multiple companies and compare their services and prices.

Once you have narrowed down your options, it is important to check their credentials and ensure that they are licensed and insured. Additionally, it is important to communicate with the moving company and ensure that they are aware of any special requirements or sensitive items that you will be transporting.

2. Inventory and Documentation

Creating an inventory of your belongings and documenting their condition is crucial for ensuring their safety during the move. This section provides tips on how to create an inventory and document your belongings.

Creating an inventory of your household goods is crucial for ensuring their safety during the shipment as part of the Defense Personal Property Program. It is important to list all the items that you will be transporting and document their condition. This will help you keep track of your belongings and provide documentation in case of loss or damage.

Additionally, it is important to take photos of valuable or sensitive items as additional documentation. Once you have created your inventory, it is important to keep it with you at all times and not pack it with your other belongings.

3. Secure Packing Materials

Using secure packing materials is crucial for ensuring the safety of your belongings during the move. This section provides tips on how to choose and use secure packing materials.

Choosing the right packing materials is crucial for ensuring the safety of your belongings during the move. It is important to use sturdy boxes and packing materials that can withstand the rigors of transport.

Additionally, When executing a personally procured move, it’s important to pack fragile personal property carefully and use padding to protect them from damage. For sensitive items, such as electronics or documents, it is important to use specialized packing materials, such as anti-static bags or waterproof containers.

4. Handling Firearms and Ammunition

Military personnel often have to move firearms and ammunition, which require special handling and security measures. This section provides tips on how to handle firearms and ammunition during a move. Handling firearms and ammunition requires special care and attention, especially when moving to your next duty station. It is important to pack these items securely and label them clearly.

Additionally, it is important to inform the moving company about any firearms or ammunition that you will be transporting and ensure that they have the necessary security measures in place. For example, firearms should be transported separately and stored securely. Additionally, ammunition should be packed in its original packaging and stored separately from the firearms.

5. Preparing Pets for the Move

Moving can be stressful for pets, and it is important to prepare them for the move to ensure their safety and well-being. This section provides tips on how to prepare your pets for the move.

Preparing your pets for the move to your next duty station is crucial for ensuring their safety and well-being, in line with health protection protocols. It is important to consult your veterinarian and ensure that your pets are up-to-date on their vaccinations and have all the necessary documentation for travel.

Additionally, it is important to pack a travel kit for your pets that includes food, water, and any medications they may need. During the move, it is important to keep your pets in a secure carrier and ensure that they are comfortable and safe.

Read More: A Comprehensive Guide to Budgeting for Your Military Move

Safety During the Move

permanent change, new safety measures

Ensuring safety during the move is crucial for a successful relocation. This section provides tips on how to ensure the safety of your belongings and your family during the move.

1. Vehicle Safety Checks

Ensuring the safety of the moving vehicle is crucial for a successful move. This section provides tips on how to conduct vehicle safety checks and ensure a smooth move.

Conducting vehicle safety checks is crucial for ensuring a smooth move, especially when you’re planning to save money with a partially personally procured move. It is important to inspect the moving vehicle before the move and ensure that it is in good condition. This includes checking the tires, brakes, and lights, as well as ensuring that the vehicle is clean and free of debris.

Additionally, it is important to ensure that the moving vehicle is equipped with all the necessary safety equipment, such as fire extinguishers and first aid kits.

2. Real-time Tracking

Real-time tracking allows you to monitor the location of your belongings during the move and ensure their safety. This section provides tips on how to use real-time tracking to ensure a smooth move.

Using real-time tracking is crucial for ensuring the safety of your belongings during the move. Most reputable moving companies offer real-time tracking services that allow you to monitor the location of your belongings at all times.

This provides peace of mind and allows you to take immediate action in case of any issues. Additionally, it is important to communicate with the moving company and ensure that they are aware of any special requirements or sensitive items that you will be transporting.

3. Communication Channels

Maintaining open communication with the moving company and your family is crucial for ensuring a smooth move. This section provides tips on how to maintain open communication and ensure a successful move. Maintaining open communication is crucial for ensuring a smooth move.

It is important to establish clear communication channels with your local transportation office and the transportation service provider handling your household goods shipment and ensure that you are kept informed of any updates or changes.

Additionally, it is important to communicate with your family and ensure that everyone is aware of the moving plan and timeline. This will help you coordinate your efforts and ensure a successful move.

4. Emergency Contacts

Having a list of emergency contacts is crucial for ensuring the safety of your belongings and your family during the move. This section provides tips on how to create and use an emergency contact list. Creating an emergency contact list, including your local transportation office and transportation command, is crucial for ensuring the safety of your belongings and your family during the move.

It is important to include the contact information for key personnel, such as the moving company, chain of command, and support services, as well as emergency services, such as the police and fire department. Additionally, it is important to keep this list with you at all times and not pack it with your other belongings.

5. Insurance and Liability

Ensuring that your belongings are insured is crucial for their safety during the move. This section provides tips on how to choose the right insurance coverage and ensure the safety of your belongings.

Choosing the right insurance coverage is crucial for ensuring the safety of your belongings during the move. It is important to research different insurance options and choose the one that provides the best coverage for your needs.

Additionally, it is important to read the fine print and understand the terms and conditions of the insurance policy. This will help you make an informed decision and ensure that you are covered in case of loss or damage.

Post-move Safety Measures

one duty station, military member

Ensuring safety after the move is crucial for a successful relocation. This section provides tips on how to ensure the safety of your belongings and your family after the move.

1. Unpacking Guidelines

Unpacking is the final step of the moving process, and it is important to do it carefully to ensure the safety of your belongings. This section provides tips on how to unpack safely and efficiently.

Unpacking is the final step of the moving process, and it is important to do it carefully to ensure the safety of your belongings. It is important to unpack one room at a time and check each item against your inventory list.

This will help you keep track of your belongings and provide documentation in case of loss or damage. Additionally, it is important to inspect each item carefully and report any damage to the moving company immediately.

2. Home Security Measures

Ensuring the security of your new home is crucial for the safety of your family. This section provides tips on how to implement home security measures and ensure a safe living environment.

Ensuring the security of your new home is crucial for the safety of your family. It is important to conduct a security assessment of your new home and identify any potential risks.

This includes checking the locks on all doors and windows, as well as installing a security system if necessary. Additionally, it is important to familiarize yourself with the neighborhood and identify the location of emergency services, such as the police and fire department.

3. Document Verification

Verifying your documents is crucial for ensuring a successful move. This section provides tips on how to verify your documents and ensure a smooth transition.

Verifying your documents is crucial for ensuring a successful move. It is important to check all your documents, such as orders, identification, and insurance, to ensure that they are accurate and up-to-date. 

Additionally, it is important to keep these documents with you at all times and not pack them with your other belongings. This will help you avoid any issues or delays during the move.

4. Feedback and Reviews

Providing feedback and reviews is important for improving the moving process and helping others make informed decisions. This section provides tips on how to provide feedback and reviews.

Providing feedback and reviews is important for improving the moving process and helping others make informed decisions. It is important to provide feedback to the transportation service provider and fill out an inconvenience claim form if necessary, especially for military spouses who are often the ones coordinating the move.

This will help them improve their services and provide better support for future moves. Additionally, it is important to write reviews and share your experience to help others make informed decisions.

5. Post-move Health Checks

Ensuring the health and well-being of your family is crucial after a move. This section provides tips on how to conduct post-move health checks and ensure a safe living environment.

Ensuring the health and well-being of your family is crucial after a move. It is important to schedule a health check-up for all family members, including pets, up to seven days before the move to ensure that they are in good health according to health protection protocols.

Additionally, it is important to inspect your new home for any potential health hazards, such as mold or pests, and take immediate action to address them.

Read More: Adjusting to a New Time Zone After a PCS Move: Useful Tips

How Military Movers Can Help You Move Safely?

moving crew, new location

When it comes to military moves, we at Military Movers understand the unique challenges you face. That’s why we’ve tailored our services to meet your specific needs, ensuring a move that’s not just efficient but also exceptionally secure.

  • Local and Long-distance Moving: Whether you’re relocating within your city or across the country, we’ve got you covered. Our advanced satellite tracking technology ensures that we can monitor your shipment in real-time, providing you with peace of mind.
  • Packing and Unpacking Services: Don’t stress about the packing process; leave it to our experts. We use high-quality packing materials and techniques to ensure that your belongings are safe and secure throughout the move. Plus, once you arrive at your new home, we’ll also handle the unpacking.
  • Storage Services: Need to store your belongings temporarily or long-term? We offer both. Our storage facilities are climate-controlled and equipped with advanced security systems to keep your items safe.
  • OCONUS Military Moves: Moving overseas? No problem. We have extensive experience in overseas relocations and can guide you through the complexities of international moving, including customs and documentation.
  • Vehicle Shipping: In partnership with A1 Auto Transport, we offer specialized services for shipping your privately owned vehicles. Active-duty military personnel even receive a special discount.


Navigating a military move can be complex and stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. With Military Movers, you’re choosing a service that understands the unique challenges of military relocations. From packing your belongings with utmost care to ensuring they arrive safely at your new destination, we’re with you every step of the way.

Ready to make your next military move a smooth and stress-free experience? Contact us now at our toll-free number, 866-226-1441, or fill out the quote form on our website. Let Military Movers make your transition as seamless as possible. We’re here for you every step of the way.


What are the DOD regulations for military moves?

The Department of Defense has specific regulations for military moves, including guidelines on what can be moved, weight allowances, and entitlements. We at Military Movers are well-versed in these regulations and can guide you through the process.

How do I prepare for an overseas military move?

Preparing for an overseas move involves additional steps like customs clearance and documentation. Our team has extensive experience in international relocations and can help you navigate these complexities.

How do you ensure the safety of my belongings?

We use advanced satellite tracking technology to monitor your shipment in real-time. Additionally, our packing and unpacking services use high-quality materials to ensure the safety of your belongings.

What should I do if I have to move on short notice?

We understand that military moves can often be sudden. Contact us as soon as you receive your orders, and we’ll expedite the process to meet your timeline.

Are there any hidden fees?

Absolutely not. We operate on a transparent pricing plan, so the quote you receive is what you pay. No hidden fees and no surprises.

Mia Miller

Mia Miller, a true wordsmith, documents the journey of Military Movers through her engaging blog posts. She ensures that our stories, mirroring our commitment and dedication to facilitating military moves, reach a broad audience.