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Navigating School Changes During PCS Moves: A Guide For Parents

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Relocating is never a simple task, especially when it involves the unique challenges of a Permanent Change of Station (PCS) move. For military families, the PCS move is a frequent occurrence, and while adults grapple with the logistics, children face the daunting task of adjusting to new schools.

As military parents, ensuring a smooth transition for our military kids becomes a top priority. Understanding school changes during PCS moves is crucial for military parents and the military community. This comprehensive guide aims to shed light on the intricacies of such transitions for military kids and their families, offering invaluable insights and actionable tips.

Whether you’re a seasoned military parent or a military spouse facing your first PCS move, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to make informed decisions, ensuring your child’s educational journey remains uninterrupted and positive.

Understanding the Challenges of School Changes During PCS Moves

school changes during pcs moves, school liaison officer, military life

Moving to a new location due to a PCS move can be a challenging experience for military families, especially when it comes to navigating school changes for their children. It’s essential to understand the unique challenges that come with these transitions to help your child adjust successfully.

1. The Emotional Impact on Children

When children move to a new school, they often experience a mix of emotions, including excitement, anxiety, and sadness. Leaving behind familiar surroundings, friends, and teachers can be difficult, and adjusting to a new environment can be overwhelming.

It’s essential for military parents to acknowledge their military-connected children’s emotions and provide support during this transition. Encourage open communication, listen to their concerns, and reassure them that it’s okay to feel a mix of emotions during this time.

2. Differences in Curriculum and Teaching Methods

One of the challenges of moving to a new school is adjusting to differences in curriculum and teaching methods. Your child may find themselves ahead or behind in certain subjects, which can be frustrating and confusing.

To help your child adapt, work closely with their new classroom teachers to understand the curriculum and identify any gaps or areas where they may need additional support. Consider seeking tutoring or other resources to help them catch up or stay challenged.

3. Adjusting to a New School Culture and Environment

Every school has its own unique culture and environment, which can be a significant adjustment for children moving to a new school. They may need to learn new rules, expectations, and social norms.

Encourage your child to be open-minded and adaptable as they adjust to their new school’s culture. Remind them that it’s okay to ask questions and seek help when needed. Get involved in school activities and events to help your child feel more connected to their new community.

4. Making New Friends and Leaving Old Ones Behind

Making new friends is often a top concern for children moving to a new school. It can be challenging to leave behind old friends and start building new relationships.

Support your military child in their efforts to make new friends by encouraging them to join clubs, sports teams, or other extracurricular activities within the military community. Help them stay connected with their old friends through phone calls, video chats, or letters.

5. The Impact on Academic Performance

The stress and disruption of moving to a new school can sometimes impact a child’s academic performance. They may struggle to keep up with their new curriculum or feel overwhelmed by the changes.

Monitor your military child’s academic progress and communicate regularly with their classroom teachers and school liaisons. Provide additional support and resources as needed, and remind your child that it’s okay to ask for help when they need it.

Read More: A Guide to International PCS Moves: What to Expect

Preparing for the Move: What Parents Can Do

mental health, special education programs, classroom teacher

As a military parent, you play a crucial role in helping your child navigate school changes during PCS moves. Proper preparation can make the transition smoother and less stressful for both you and your child.

1. Researching Schools in the New Location

Before you move, take the time to research schools in your new location. Consider factors such as the school’s reputation, curriculum, extracurricular activities, and support services for military families.

Reach out to the school’s administration to ask questions and gather information. This will help you make an informed decision and choose a school that best suits your child’s needs and interests.

2. Understanding the Enrollment Process

Each school may have different enrollment requirements and procedures. Familiarize yourself with the enrollment process for your chosen school, including application deadlines, required documents, and any additional steps.

If you have any questions or concerns about the enrollment process, don’t hesitate to contact the school for clarification. Being well-prepared will help ensure a smooth enrollment process for your child.

3. Gathering Necessary Documents and Records

When enrolling your child in a new school, you’ll likely need to provide various documents and records, such as birth certificates, immunization records, and transcripts from their previous school.

Gather these documents ahead of time and keep them organized in a folder or binder. This will help you avoid last-minute scrambling and ensure that you have everything you need for the enrollment process.

4. Talking to Your Child About the Move

Moving to a new location and changing schools can be a significant adjustment for your child. It’s essential to have open and honest conversations with them about the move and what to expect.

Encourage your child to express their feelings and concerns about the move. Reassure them that it’s okay to feel a mix of emotions and that you’re there to support them every step of the way.

5. Involving Your Child in the Decision-making Process

While you may have the final say in choosing a new school for your child, it’s essential to involve them in the decision-making process. Ask for their input and consider their preferences and needs.

Involving your child in the decision-making process can help them feel more invested in the move and more comfortable with the transition to a new school.

6. Exploring Extracurricular Activities

Research extracurricular activities available at the new school, such as clubs, sports teams, or music programs. Discuss these options with your child and encourage them to consider joining activities that align with their interests.

Getting involved in extracurricular activities can help your child make new friends, develop new skills, and feel more connected to their new school.

7. Creating a Transition Plan

Work with your child’s current and future schools to create a transition plan. This plan should outline any accommodations or support services your child may need during the move, such as tutoring or counseling.

Having a transition plan in place can help ensure that your child receives the support they need to adjust successfully to their new school.

8. Visiting the New School Before the Move

If possible, visit the new school with your child before the move. This can give you both a chance to tour the facilities, meet teachers and staff, and get a sense of the school’s environment.

Visiting the school ahead of time can help reduce anxiety and make the transition feel less overwhelming for your child.

9. Preparing for Changes in Curriculum

Research the curriculum at the new school and compare it to your child’s current curriculum. Identify any differences or gaps that may affect your child’s academic progress.

Work with your child’s current and future teachers to develop a plan for addressing any curriculum differences. This may include additional tutoring, summer school, or other support services.

10. Seeking Support From Other Military Families

Reach out to other military families who have gone through PCS moves and school changes. They can provide valuable insights, advice, and support based on their experiences.

Connecting with other military families can also help you and your child build a support network in your new community.

The Enrollment Process: Steps to Follow

school districts, defense education activity

Enrolling your child in a new school can be a complex process, especially when dealing with the unique challenges of a PCS move. By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth enrollment process for your child.

1. Finding the Right School for Your Child

Once you’ve researched schools in your new location, it’s time to choose the best fit for your child. Consider factors such as the school’s reputation, curriculum, extracurricular activities, and support services for military families.

If possible, visit the school with your child before making a decision. This will give you both a better sense of the school’s environment and culture.

2. Understanding the Requirements for Enrollment

Each school may have different enrollment requirements and procedures. Familiarize yourself with the enrollment process for your chosen school, including application deadlines, required documents, and any additional steps.

If you have any questions or concerns about the enrollment process, don’t hesitate to contact the school for clarification.

3. Submitting the Necessary Paperwork

When enrolling your child in a new school, you’ll likely need to provide various documents and records, such as birth certificates, immunization records, and transcripts from their previous school.

Make sure to submit all required paperwork by the specified deadlines. Keep copies of all documents for your records.

4. Scheduling a School Visit or Orientation

Many schools offer orientation sessions or school visits for new students and their families. This can be a great opportunity for you and your child to get acquainted with the school, meet teachers and staff, and learn more about the school’s policies and procedures.

If the school doesn’t offer an orientation session, consider scheduling a visit with the school’s administration. This will give you a chance to ask questions and get a better sense of the school’s environment.

5. Meeting With Teachers and Administrators

Once your child is enrolled, schedule a meeting with their teachers and the school’s administration. This will give you a chance to discuss any concerns or questions you may have and learn more about the school’s expectations and support services.

Use this opportunity to share any relevant information about your child’s needs and preferences, as well as any challenges they may face due to the PCS move.

Read More: Military Move Packing and Unpacking Services: What You Need to Know

Helping Your Child Adjust to the New School

one school, free resources, dodea schools

Once your child is enrolled in their new school, it’s essential to provide support and guidance as they adjust to their new environment. Here are some tips to help your child adapt successfully.

1. Encouraging Open Communication

Encourage your child to talk about their experiences and feelings as they adjust to their new school. Let them know that it’s okay to feel a mix of emotions and that you’re there to listen and support them.

By fostering open communication, you can help your child feel more comfortable discussing any challenges or concerns they may have, making it easier for you to provide the support they need.

2. Fostering a Positive Attitude Toward the New School

Help your child develop a positive attitude towards their new school by focusing on the exciting opportunities and experiences that await them. Encourage them to be open-minded and adaptable as they adjust to their new environment.

Celebrate small achievements and milestones as your child adapts to their new school. This can help boost their confidence and motivate them to continue putting in the effort to adjust successfully.

3. Getting Involved in School Activities and Events

Encourage your child to get involved in school activities and events, such as clubs, sports teams, or school-wide events. This can help them feel more connected to their new school and provide opportunities to make new friends.

If possible, consider volunteering at the school or participating in parent-teacher organizations. This can help you build connections with other parents and families and provide additional support for your child.

4. Building Connections With Other Parents and Families

Building connections with other military parents and families within the military community can be beneficial for both you and your military-connected children. It can provide opportunities for your child to make new friends and help you learn more about the school and community.

Consider joining parent-teacher organizations or attending school events to meet other military parents and school liaisons in the military community. You can also reach out to other military families in the area for additional support and resources.

5. Monitoring Your Child’s Academic Progress and Emotional Well-being

Keep an eye on your child’s academic progress and emotional well-being as they adjust to their new school. If you notice any changes in their behavior or performance, reach out to their teachers or school counselors for support.

Remember that adjusting to a new school can take time, and it’s okay for your child to experience challenges along the way. Provide the support and resources they need and remind them that it’s okay to ask for help when needed.

Why Choose Military Movers for Your PCS Moves?

At Military Movers, we understand the unique challenges faced by military families during PCS moves. Our dedicated team is here to provide exceptional moving services tailored to the specific needs of service members and their families. Whether you’re relocating within the country or overseas, we’re committed to making your move as stress-free and affordable as possible.

1. Comprehensive Moving Services

  • Local and Long-Distance Moving: Whether you’re moving within your city or across the country, we have the expertise and resources to handle it all. Our experienced team will ensure that your belongings are transported safely and efficiently to your new home.
  • Packing and Unpacking Services: Our professional packers will handle all the packing and unpacking, ensuring that your belongings are safe and secure throughout the move. We use high-quality packing materials and techniques to protect your items from damage.
  • Storage Services: We offer both temporary and permanent storage options, including climate-controlled storage for sensitive items. Our secure storage facilities are equipped with advanced security systems to keep your belongings safe.

2. Advanced Tracking Technology

At Military Movers, we pride ourselves on our advanced satellite tracking technology. Our moving carriers are equipped with real-time tracking systems, allowing us to monitor every shipment and provide you with accurate updates on the status of your move.

3. Custom Moving Plans

We understand that every move is unique, and we’re committed to providing personalized moving plans tailored to your specific needs. Our team will work with you to create a custom moving plan that suits your schedule, budget, and requirements.

4. Transparent Pricing

We operate on a transparent pricing plan, eliminating hidden fees and surprise costs. Our team will provide you with a free, no-obligation quote, and we strive to offer the most affordable rates in the industry.

5. Dedicated Support

Our full-service military relocation specialists are eager to assist you throughout the moving process. We’re available round the clock to answer your questions, address your concerns, and provide the support you need.

6. Client Satisfaction

Client satisfaction is our highest priority. We’re committed to providing superior service at a cost that makes sense. Don’t just take our word for it – read our customer testimonials to see what our clients think of our service.

7. Special Discounts for Active-duty Military Personnel

We are proud to offer active-duty military personnel a discount when shipping a privately owned vehicle (POV) or moving a household. We understand the sacrifices and courage it takes to step into service for one’s country, and we’re honored to support our military clients.


Navigating school changes during PCS moves can be a challenging experience for military families. The emotional, academic, and social adjustments can be overwhelming for both parents and children. However, with proper preparation, support, and resources, you can help your child navigate these changes successfully.

At Military Movers, we’re committed to making your move as stress-free and affordable as possible. Our dedicated team, advanced tracking technology, and comprehensive moving services are designed to meet the unique needs of military families. Whether you’re relocating within the country or overseas, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Ready to make your PCS move as smooth as possible? Contact Military Movers today for a free, no-obligation quote. Let us handle the logistics so you can focus on helping your child navigate school changes with confidence. We’re here for you every step of the way.


What is a PCS move?

A PCS (Permanent Change of Station) move is a relocation of a military service member and their family to a new duty station or base. These moves can occur within the United States or overseas and often come with short notice.

How can I help my child adjust to a new school during a PCS move?

Helping your child adjust to a new school during a PCS move involves open communication, fostering a positive attitude, getting involved in school activities, building connections with other parents and families, and monitoring your child’s academic progress and emotional well-being. It’s essential to provide ongoing support and encouragement as your child adapts to their new environment.

What resources are available for military families during PCS moves?

Military families have access to various resources during PCS moves, including the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children, School Liaison Officers (SLOs), Military OneSource, Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC), and tutoring and academic support services. These resources can provide valuable information, support, and assistance during the transition.

How can Military Movers help with my PCS move?

Military Movers offers comprehensive moving services tailored to the specific needs of military families. Our services include local and long-distance moving, packing and unpacking, storage, advanced tracking technology, custom moving plans, transparent pricing, dedicated support, and special discounts for active-duty military personnel. We’re committed to making your move as stress-free and affordable as possible.

What documents do I need to enroll my child in a new school during a PCS move?

When enrolling your child in a new school during a PCS move, you’ll likely need to provide various documents and records, such as birth certificates, immunization records, and transcripts from their previous school. It’s essential to gather these documents ahead of time and keep them organized to ensure a smooth enrollment process.

Mia Miller

Mia Miller, a true wordsmith, documents the journey of Military Movers through her engaging blog posts. She ensures that our stories, mirroring our commitment and dedication to facilitating military moves, reach a broad audience.