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How To Cope With Separation During A PCS Move: A Guide For Families

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Moving is never easy, but for military families facing a Permanent Change of Station (PCS), the challenges are multiplied. One of the most emotionally taxing aspects for service members and their families is dealing with separation from family members, whether it’s from extended family or the community you’re leaving behind at your old duty station.

At Military Movers, we understand the unique hurdles that come with a PCS move, especially when it involves separation. That’s why we’ve put together this comprehensive guide to help you and your family navigate through this difficult time.

From maintaining communication with your loved ones to seeking professional support, we cover all the bases to ensure you’re not just physically moving but also emotionally prepared for this significant life change. So, if you’re about to embark on a PCS move and are grappling with the emotional toll of separation, this guide is for you.

Understanding the Emotional Impact of a PCS Move

how to cope with separation during a pcs move, family member

A Permanent Change of Station (PCS) move is a common occurrence for military families, but it often comes with a host of emotional challenges. Understanding these challenges is the first step towards managing them effectively.

1. What is a PCS Move?

A PCS move refers to a Permanent Change of Station, which is a relocation from one military base to another. This can occur within the same country or internationally. It is a mandatory move ordered by the military and usually involves the entire family relocating to a new area.

For military families, including Air Force and Marine Corps families, a PCS move is not just a common event but a significant milestone in military life. It involves not only changing your place of residence but also adapting to a new environment, community, and sometimes even a different culture.

This transition can be particularly challenging for children and spouses who have to leave behind friends, schools, and familiar surroundings.

2. Emotional Challenges Faced by Military Families

Military families often face unique emotional challenges during a PCS move. The stress of packing, leaving behind friends and familiar surroundings, and adapting to a new environment can take a toll on everyone involved.

The emotional toll of a PCS move can be particularly challenging for military children who may struggle to understand the reasons for the move to a new duty station and may feel a sense of loss, leaving behind friends and familiar surroundings. 

Military spouses may also face challenges in finding new employment, adapting to a new location, and establishing a new support network among fellow military families.

3. The Psychology of Separation

Separation from family members and familiar surroundings can lead to feelings of loneliness and sadness and may require behavioral health support to manage anxiety. It is common for military families to experience a sense of loss and grief during a PCS move.

The psychology of separation involves understanding the emotional impact of being away from loved ones and familiar surroundings. It is important to acknowledge these feelings and find ways to stay connected and maintain a sense of normalcy during the transition.

This may involve maintaining regular communication with loved ones, seeking support from friends and family, and finding ways to create a sense of home in your new environment.

4. Impact on Children

Children are often the most affected by a PCS move. They may struggle to understand the reasons for the move and may feel a sense of loss, leaving behind friends and familiar surroundings.

It is crucial to have open and honest conversations with your military children about the move and the reasons for changing duty stations. Providing reassurance and support can help alleviate some of their anxieties. Additionally, finding ways to maintain connections with old friends and encouraging them to make new ones can also be helpful.

5. Impact on Spouses

Spouses of military personnel often face their own set of challenges during a PCS move. For military spouses, finding new employment, adapting to a new location, and connecting with civilian families and fellow military families for support can be particularly challenging.

It is important for spouses to seek support and stay connected with loved ones during this transition. Additionally, finding ways to get involved in the new community and establishing a new routine can also be helpful in adapting to the new environment.

Read More: Military Household Goods Moving: Tips and Tricks

Communication is Key

military family, medical records, military members

Maintaining regular communication with family members is crucial during PCS season, especially when moving to a new duty station. It helps maintain a sense of connection and support during the separation.

1. Importance of Regular Communication

Regular communication with loved ones can help alleviate feelings of loneliness and sadness during a PCS move. It provides a sense of connection and support during a time of transition.

Whether it is through phone calls, video chats, emails, or letters, staying in touch with loved ones can provide a sense of normalcy and comfort. It is also important to have open and honest conversations about the challenges faced during the move and to provide reassurance and support to each other.

2. Tools for Staying in Touch

In today’s digital age, there are numerous tools available for staying in touch with loved ones. Phone calls, video chats, social media, and messaging apps are all great ways to maintain communication during a PCS move.

It is important to find the tools that work best for you and your family and to establish a regular communication schedule. This can help create a sense of routine and normalcy during the transition.

3. Emotional Benefits of Communication

Communication provides not only a sense of connection but also emotional support during a PCS move. Sharing your experiences, challenges, and feelings with loved ones can provide a sense of relief and validation.

It is important to have open and honest conversations about the challenges faced during the move and to provide reassurance and support to each other. Additionally, staying connected with loved ones can provide a sense of normalcy and comfort during the transition.

4. Communication Tips for Children

Children may struggle to express their feelings and anxieties during a PCS move. It is important to encourage open communication and provide a safe and supportive environment for them to share their thoughts and feelings.

Providing reassurance and support can help alleviate some of their anxieties. Additionally, finding ways to maintain connections with old friends and encouraging them to make new ones can also be helpful.

5. Overcoming Time Zone Differences

Time zone differences can be a challenge when maintaining communication with loved ones during a PCS move. It is important to establish a regular communication schedule that works for everyone involved.

Additionally, utilizing tools such as messaging apps and social media can help you stay connected throughout the day, even if it is not possible to have real-time conversations.

Establishing a Routine

emotional stress, service member, next duty station

Establishing a routine can help create a sense of normalcy and stability during a PCS move. It can also help alleviate feelings of loneliness and sadness.

1. Why Routines are Important

Routines provide a sense of structure and stability during times of transition. They can help create a sense of normalcy and comfort in a new environment.

Additionally, establishing a routine can help manage stress and anxiety during a PCS move. It provides a sense of purpose and direction and can help create a sense of control during a time of uncertainty.

2. Creating a Daily Routine

Creating a daily routine involves establishing a schedule for daily activities such as meals, exercise, work, and leisure time. It is important to create a routine that is realistic and flexible, as there may be unexpected challenges during the move.

Additionally, involving the entire family in creating the routine can help ensure that everyone’s needs and priorities are taken into account.

3. Incorporating Exercise and Wellness

Exercise and wellness activities are an important part of a healthy routine. They can help manage stress and anxiety and provide a sense of well-being during a PCS move.

Whether it is going for a walk, practicing yoga, or engaging in other forms of exercise, finding ways to incorporate physical activity into your routine can be beneficial.

4. Routines for Children

Children thrive on routine and structure. It is important to establish a daily routine for children that includes regular meals, sleep, and playtime.

Additionally, involving children in creating the routine can help them feel a sense of ownership and control over their daily activities. It can also provide a sense of stability and comfort in a new environment.

5. Adapting to New Environments

Adapting to a new environment can be challenging, but establishing a routine can help create a sense of normalcy and stability. It is important to be flexible and adaptable, as there may be unexpected challenges during the move.

Additionally, seeking support from friends, family, and the local community can also be helpful in adapting to a new environment.

Seeking Support Systems

Seeking support from friends, family, and the local community is crucial during a PCS move. It provides a sense of connection and support during a time of transition.

1. Importance of a Support Network

A support network provides emotional support and practical assistance during a PCS move. It can help alleviate feelings of loneliness and sadness and provide a sense of connection and community.

Whether it is friends, family, or local support groups, having a support network can provide a sense of comfort and stability during a time of transition.

2. Finding Local Support Groups

Local support groups can provide emotional support and practical assistance during a PCS move. They can also provide a sense of community and connection in a new environment.

It is important to seek out local support groups and get involved in community activities. This can help create a sense of belonging and provide emotional support during the transition.

3. Utilizing Military Community Resources

The military community provides a range of resources and support services for families going through a PCS move. This includes counseling services, financial assistance programs, and educational resources.

It is important to take advantage of these resources and seek support from the military community. This can provide practical assistance and emotional support during the transition.

4. Online Support Groups

Online support groups can provide emotional support and practical advice for families going through a PCS move. They can also provide a sense of community and connection, even if it is virtual.

It is important to find online support groups that are relevant to your situation and to participate actively. This can provide emotional support and practical advice during the transition.

5. When to Seek Professional Help

Sometimes, the emotional challenges of a PCS move can be overwhelming for service members and their families, and it may be necessary to seek behavioral health or Military OneSource for professional help. This can include counseling services, therapy, and medical treatment for stress and anxiety.

It is important to recognize when professional help is needed and to seek it out. This can provide specialized support and treatment for managing the emotional challenges of a PCS move.

Read More: OCONUS Military Moves: Preparations and What to Expect

Self-care Strategies

helpful tips, new friends, new city

Personal growth and taking care of yourself are crucial during a PCS move, especially for service members and military spouses. It helps manage stress and anxiety and provides a sense of well-being.

1. Importance of Self-care

Self-care is an important aspect of managing stress and anxiety during a PCS move. It involves taking time for yourself and engaging in activities that provide a sense of well-being and relaxation.

Whether it is exercise, relaxation techniques, or engaging in hobbies, self-care activities can provide a sense of well-being and relaxation. It is important to make time for self-care and to prioritize it during the transition.

2. Physical Wellness

Physical wellness involves taking care of your body through exercise, proper nutrition, and rest. It is an important aspect of self-care and can help manage stress and anxiety during a PCS move.

Whether it is going for a walk, practicing yoga, or engaging in other forms of exercise, finding ways to incorporate physical activity into your routine can be beneficial.

3. Emotional Wellness

Emotional wellness involves taking care of your emotional health through relaxation techniques, mindfulness, and stress management. It is an important aspect of self-care and can help manage stress and anxiety during a PCS move.

Whether it is through relaxation techniques, mindfulness, or stress management, finding ways to take care of your emotional health is important.

4. Mindfulness and Coping Mechanisms

Mindfulness involves being present in the moment and being aware of your thoughts and feelings. It is a useful coping mechanism for managing stress and anxiety during a PCS move.

Practicing mindfulness can involve simple techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and being present in the moment. It can provide a sense of relaxation and well-being during a time of transition.

5. Balancing Self-care With Family Responsibilities

Balancing self-care with family responsibilities can be challenging during a PCS move. It is important to find a balance that allows you to take care of yourself while also taking care of your family.

Whether it is through delegation, time management, or seeking support from friends and family, finding ways to balance self-care with family responsibilities is crucial.

Staying Positive and Setting Goals

Staying positive and setting goals can provide a sense of direction and purpose during a PCS move. It can also help manage stress and anxiety.

1. The Power of Positivity

A positive mindset can have a significant impact on your emotional well-being during a PCS move. It can help manage stress and anxiety and provide a sense of hope and optimism.

Whether it is through positive affirmations, visualization techniques, or simply focusing on the positive aspects of the move, maintaining a positive mindset can be beneficial.

2. Setting Short-term Goals

Setting short-term goals can provide a sense of direction and purpose during a PCS move. It can also help manage stress and anxiety by providing a sense of achievement and progress.

Whether it is unpacking a certain number of boxes each day, finding a new school for your children, or setting up your new home, setting short-term goals can provide a sense of achievement and progress.

3. Setting Long-term Goals

Setting long-term goals involves looking at the bigger picture and planning for the future. It can provide a sense of direction and purpose and can help manage stress and anxiety by providing a sense of long-term planning and achievement.

Whether it is career goals, educational goals, or personal development, setting long-term goals can provide a sense of direction and purpose.

4. Celebrating Achievements

Celebrating achievements, whether big or small, can provide a sense of accomplishment and validation during a PCS move. It can also help manage stress and anxiety by providing a sense of achievement and progress.

Whether it is celebrating the successful completion of the move, finding a new job, or simply settling into your new home, celebrating achievements can provide a sense of accomplishment and validation.

5. Preparing for Reunion

Preparing for the reunion with loved ones and familiar surroundings can provide a sense of hope and optimism during a PCS move. It can also help manage stress and anxiety by providing something to look forward to.

Whether it is planning a reunion party, setting up your new home, or simply looking forward to being reunited with loved ones, preparing for the reunion can provide a sense of hope and optimism.

How Military Movers Can Help?

When it comes to the challenges of a PCS move, Military Movers is your go-to solution. We understand the emotional and logistical hurdles that military families face, and we’re here to make the process as smooth as possible.

Our Comprehensive Services

  • Local and Long-Distance Moving: Whether you’re moving within your city or across the country, we’ve got you covered. Our advanced satellite tracking technology ensures that you can keep tabs on your belongings in real-time.
  • Packing and Unpacking Services: Our team of experts will handle all the packing and unpacking, ensuring your belongings are safe and secure. We use high-quality packing materials and techniques to guarantee the safety of your items.
  • Storage Services: Need a place to store your belongings temporarily or long-term? We offer both, including climate-controlled options for sensitive items.

Client Satisfaction is Our Priority

  • Transparent Pricing: No hidden fees or surprise costs. What you see is what you get, and we strive to offer the most affordable rates in the industry.
  • Customer Testimonials: Don’t just take our word for it; our satisfied clients speak volumes about our commitment to excellence. From seamless transitions to attentive customer service, we’ve earned our reputation as the best in the business.

Special Discounts for Military Personnel

  • Active-Duty Discounts: We’re proud to offer special discounts for active-duty military personnel. Whether you’re shipping a privately owned vehicle or moving an entire household, we’ve got special offers to make it more affordable for you.


Navigating through a PCS move is undoubtedly challenging, but you don’t have to go it alone. Military Movers is committed to making your transition as seamless and stress-free as possible. From our comprehensive range of services to our focus on client satisfaction, we’re the partner you can trust for all your moving needs. Ready to make your next move?

Contact us today for a free, no-obligation quote, and let Military Movers make your transition as seamless as possible.


What is a PCS move?

A PCS (Permanent Change of Station) move is a mandatory relocation ordered by the military, usually involving the entire family moving to a new base.

How can I cope with the emotional challenges of a PCS move?

Maintaining regular communication with loved ones, establishing a routine, and seeking support systems can significantly help in coping with emotional challenges.

What services do Military Movers offer?

Military Movers offers a comprehensive range of services, including local and long-distance moving, packing, and unpacking services and both temporary and permanent storage options.

How do Military Movers ensure the safety of my belongings?

We use advanced satellite tracking technology to track every shipment in real-time. Additionally, our expert team handles all packing and unpacking, using high-quality materials to ensure the safety of your belongings.

Are there any special discounts for military personnel?

Yes, Military Movers offers special discounts for active-duty military personnel. This includes discounts for shipping a privately owned vehicle or moving an entire household.

Mia Miller

Mia Miller, a true wordsmith, documents the journey of Military Movers through her engaging blog posts. She ensures that our stories, mirroring our commitment and dedication to facilitating military moves, reach a broad audience.